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Placement Of Context Advertising On The Website

The placement of contextual advertising in the Yandex is one of the most effective ways to move and attract targeted visitors to the site. In contrast to SEO, contextual progress begins immediately after the advertising campaign is launched, which is an important advantage when quick impact is required.

Like, you're in Catherineburg selling. Wood tables And you need to increase sales:

  1. Come into Rekmala and make an announcement there. Wooden kitchen tables in Catherineburg With reference to your website;
  2. Choose upon which request it should appear in Yandex, and Rekmala will consider the cost of your announcement;
  3. Balance (minimum payment: 2,000 roubles);
  4. Visitors on your website.

Why should we be dealing with contextual progress in Rekmala?

Rekmala ' s indisputable dignity is the simplicity of " old " , i.e. the convenience of opening the contextual advertising campaign in Yandex. Director. No lengthy service registration is required. If you have access to the User ' s office, it is only enough to do a few simple actions, namely:

  • To find key words important to your business;
  • Make such announcements to attract the attention of potential buyers;
  • Determine the budget you want to use for the context and the number of visitors per week or month;
After that, you can immediately launch the ad and receive the target audience.

Thus, the impact of the site (real sales) can be obtained on the first day following the launch of the site and the advertising company at Rekmala.

The Service has an integrated statistical module that can analyse the effectiveness of the campaign on a daily basis, make changes in the texts of the announcements, change the rates or budget allocated to the context. Keeping context advertising is absolutely free!

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