Web Site Development Support
The ComSPb Agency specializes in the promotion of Internet stores and business sites throughout Russia.
Our office is located in St. Petersburg, but the site support services (as well as their establishment) are available to clients from all parts of our country. In addition, we are currently promoting projects in the Russian-language Internet (Google) for companies located in Norway, Poland, etc. And we're successful!
Now that more than 70 per cent of the necessary information is available on the Internet, Bill Gates is equitably asserted:
"If you're not on the Internet, you're not in business."♪ Another expression: "Who owns information-- he owns the world."♪
Modern realities are such that commercial success is not enough to order a site with good design and unique content. Your resource has to override your competition websites. To that end, he must be constantly seeing as many Internet visitors as possible. Potential customers will notice your site only if it is located at selected key requests on the first three pages of Yandex and Google. The higher the page on the search, the more visitors come to your resource, the higher his conversion.
To this end, the site ' s opening is a set of activities to increase its visibility on the Internet, increase its value and attraction in the eyes of the user. The effect of a good advertisement is to attract a targeted trajectory for an advanced resource, which means an increase in sales leading to greater welfare for business owners.
We've been on the Internet for 11 years.
Knowing that our clients' goal is not just website In TOP 10, but in the first place, the increase in profits, we look at your website from the visitors ' position and help turn their orders into your direct income!
In order for customers not only to find your site among hundreds and thousands of competitors, but also to remain on it, the site should be advertised in an integrated manner. As is well known, the site ' s rating on key requests is determined by the search systems algorithms. But the same is true: the first pages of high-frequency requests are recently viewed manually by Yandex and Google M. The resource should therefore be continuously updated and improved.