Система управления контекстной

Context Advertising Management System

О проекте GarpunGarpun is the automatic management of context advertising at the professional level. We're creating ad hoc algorithms, you're improving advertising in the Yandex systems. Director, Google.AdWords.

What's Garpoon doing?

The context advertisement aggregator carries out the following client advertising operations:

  • Garpun manages the position of announcements in the Yandex systems. Director.Остались вопросы? Broad choice of ready strategies and thin designs.
  • The system itself incorporates and disconnects client advertising in Yandex. Head, Google AdWords
  • System Management of context advertising automatically changes the contents of the advertisements according to the information on the customer ' s website
  • quality analysis of advertising campaigns
    Garpun analyzes the quality of the generated key phrases and does not load into contextual systems those with zero forecasts to increase the overall CTR campaign
  • Garpun forecasts the results of the advertising campaign and informs users of possible problems
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