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Search Optimization Of The Website

What's a search optimization of the site and why it's needed?

Search optimization - This is the site process, its external and internal factors that influence the ranking of the search systems - structure, content, code, links to the site - with a view to increasing the relevance of the resource to user search requests, increasing the level of trust in the search engine site and, consequently, increasing the location of the site in search results - to attract visitors (potential purchasers). SEO specialists should understand search systems algorithms - indexation of content, search and ranking of sites, and how the user is looking for what he needs - what he's looking for.

SEO - search engine optimization
(detective optimization, optimization for search systems/machines)

process when website structure, page parameters and content In such a way that search engines promote the site: index and place it at the top of the search.

Destination upon request

The result of the user request (request) in the search system - the list of pages of the relevant (relevant) user request - from the perspective of the search system algorithm. Disordered in order to lose relevance.

For example, the user collects queries: "Official University Web site" or Habarowsk Abythurinant," or "Main East Vus", and the search system issues a list of page requests, with front pages (sites) that correspond to the user ' s request with a higher degree.

The problem is that most users only look at the first dozen of the results of the request, and the 10th position on the search list is not seen at all. The reasons are simple: 10 search results are posted on the first pageAnd in this first tent, most of the servants get what they need, and when you get what you need, there's not enough who wants to spend time and move on the next page to dig further.

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