Раскрутка сайта на uCoz

Web Site Ucoz

Virtually any owner of the site is starting to think about the opening. It's quite natural - everyone wants to get a tranny, get a coin and get a pro. But there's no one who understands that the site should be ready for it. More accurately, the effectiveness of the same exercises will depend more on preparedness website for progress

In today ' s article, I will try to establish the basic principles that should be followed by preparing a site on uCoz for the opening.

As already stated The efficiency of the drilling depends largely on the site itself.♪ Contemporary trends in the development of search systems make it clear to us that the impact of external factors is declining, internal influence is increasing. Well, it's the right thing to do, because search systems are machine algorithms that don't like the very fact that they're influencing them.

So whoever said it was, I am deeply convinced that any site, first, needs to be prepared for the opening, to see if it is ready for this process, and only then to proceed to external exposure. This will, at a minimum, reduce the budget and make it more effective.

But as for uCoz, it's not that simple. The system has its own specialty, it's got a mass of myths and stamps around it, not all of which are true. I have therefore sought to establish the basic principles to be followed in optimizing the uCoz site and that it is imperative to be addressed first.

Step 1. Mets of the flow

By default uCoz uses "not optimal" templates to generate meta-tags. You need to be given an opportunity. unique Title and Description For the record. It's not as hard as it can seem at first sight.

Step 2. To avoid duplication

uCoz is not perfect. Systematic duplication is allowed, which defaults the wheels of the optimizers and stops the cracking process. But again, it's very easy to fix it, enough to know what and how to work. At least you need to introduce rel=canonical for the record. Just a few lines of the code - and you'll always get rid of the duplicates, and significantly improve the health of your site in the eyes of search systems. This issue is dealt with in detail in the article: rel=canonical to combat duplicates on uCoz.

See also:
  • Sober House https://ecosoberhouse.com/ – recovery with addiction treatment programs.
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