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Google Up The Website

If you're still not thinking about using Google+ to bring traffic on your website, it's time to do it. Let Google+ not become a " New Facebook " , however, he has some advantages over other social networks, such as an increase in the search for Google.

More companies have recently established Google+ scouts and used it in their SEO strategy.Как добавить кнопку Google+ в редакторе Wix The purpose of these companies is not to increase the number of subscribers, but to increase the brand ' s knowledge in this, to say the least, important searches. The good news is it's not hard to do it. Here are five simple actions that will help you improve the search results. optimization through Google+:

Optimize the page.

Start editing information on your Google+ page and make it more accessible for Google indexation.Страница Wix в Google+ Don't forget to write a title and description of your brand on our page, including a few key words later. It is important to use relevant references in the description, for example, a reference to the main page of your website or any other source of information related to you. In order to understand how this works, we recommend that we look at our section on the Wix page.

Использование хешьегов в сети Google +

Add the Google+ button to your website.

Google+ looks like a two-way street: little progress on your Google+ page, you need a Google+ button to be on your website. Use the " sign-up " and "+1 " buttons at different locations on your website to increase the number of subscribers (this is how to do it in the Wix editor). Don't forget to add a G+ button to the social media board on the rest of the marketing matrials, lening and e-mail. Remember, the more active your Google+ page, the more chance Google will notice you.

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