Видеоурок «Контекстная реклама

Internet Stores

WebThe volatility of currencies and the crisis is the main cause of the decline in sales. Can savings be saved contextual advertising And yet to attract the much needed traffic? The IMpro schoolteacher is responsible for this issue in the context of Alexander Pyo.

The principle of " Voting in winter and the summer " does not work

The saying is good, but it doesn't apply to the Internet, especially when it comes to context advertising. Like buying sleds. All statistics on the number of requests for different topics can be found in services such as Wordstat. For example, the number of people who have been hitting the " sank " request. And we see the huge increase in the demand for sand begins when the snow falls. In any other subject, if the goods are seasonal (rolics, pukovics, bicycles), the situation is exactly the same.

It's a simple rule that doesn't make sense. contextual advertising seasonal goods at other times of the year. Under such circumstances, the context advertising will simply not bring you trawls and buyers, because in this time limit they are not on the Internet.

This situation can be seen most clearly in the example of flower shops. They do not have permanent sales because they have certain holidays, for example, 1 September, 14 February and 8 March. Statistics show that the increase in sales and the purchase of flowers is much higher these days.

So, what do you do if your product isn't seasonal? First of all, we need to know and understand how well your brand is known, i.e. to determine its so-called vital traffic.

What's a vitic tray?

The best example is real estate. We'll take the North Valley facility in St Petersburg. He has the highest frequency on request and the number of crossings. There's probably not a lot of people who know the Yarkie because there's no outside advertising, banners on the street.

For a business that's only recently opened and that's no one else, and it's no big deal, it's a good way to get married with reputation. For example, the same Yarkie PC may be located in the prestigious area of the city, which already has a certain proportion of prestige and authority.

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