Web Visits
The Runeta and SimilarWeb Ratting presented a new rating in which high-attendance site developers gathered. The project took into account sites with a attendance rate of 0, 5 million visits per month, developed or significantly relocated over the past five years. Only 328 sites met this requirement.
A total of 62 companies (out of 2,494) were ranked in relation to the design or technical part of two and more eligible projects. The significance and the date of the launch - the site was launched at a later date, the higher the number of points for it.
Top 10 is presented as follows:
Nikolai Apurin, Director-General of ARTVELLO: " Such ratings are very useful to the market, because it is through them that the client may choose the most appropriate contractor under the specificity of his project. Last year, we took the first place in the rating of producers working with government companies and almost every one of our launched websites has a much higher attendance than 10,000 visitors per day. There are cabs where peak attendance exceeds 1,000,000 persons per day and a total attendance of 100,150,000 per day. The same Roserestre, for example, or Rosat, where the site has been able to carry out a load test of 100,000 connections. " We therefore know as no one how important it is to have adequate resources, expertise and competencies to create such complex projects.
In building these solutions, it is necessary to carefully design the IT infrastructure on which it operates, develop a balance sheet /, application servers, database servers, determine the synchronization and backup regulations, build interaction with the test bench (which may be on the other side of the network). And by approaching the Web Integrator for developing such a complex project, the client must be sure that the future contractor knows and knows all this. "
Anatoly Denisov, Editor-in-Charge, Reiting Runet Projects CMS Magazine: " There are very few companies with the necessary expertise on the market. According to our data, high-attendance projects can only produce 2 per cent of the total number of web-based market players. It is confident that potential customers will benefit from their list. "