просмотр посещаемости сайта за

Site Visits

Счетчик LiveInternet для вашего сайта


This article deals with the receipt of code, installation and statistical work of a tool that is so popular with webmasters, such as the LiveInternet Visitor. They are usually placed on a new site as soon as they arrive.

It's very interesting to know, to take into account and analyse statistics. site visits - Which pages were most interested in visitors, how many of them came from search systems and what requests. All this information and much more can be found by establishing a little code on its web project.

Добавление сайта в ЛивинтернетFor which purpose, a visiting enumerator from Livinternet is set

The possibilities of different enumerators may differ significantly, and you will need to be guided by the set of requirements you're putting on them. Except for the possibility of half all your visitors and their interests, they can give you free feedback as a bonus. This will be particularly the case for a young resource promoted free of charge.

Similarly, visiting counting services often provide ratings for sites that have established their code.Настройка внешнего вида счетчика LI In the initial stage of development, your project will, of course, be far from the top of a rating topic, but in time it will rise. After all, his high position will bring you additional visitors from this rating.

If the malfunctions do not affect the loading speed, the code obtained should be as close as possible to the closing current BODY in your website. How to do so in Joomla, the SMF forum and the blog in WordPress, you can read the references in the preceding paragraph (tout here).

But before you insert the counter code, you'll have to get it somewhere first. That's what we're gonna talk about right now. The registration and similar process for all services, but has some nuances, so we need to talk about LiveInternet with all the features, and you can read about others in these publications:

LiveInternet registration, design and receipt of the counter code

Настройки кода счетчика Ливинитернет Вид счетчика посещений от Лайвинтернета
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