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Promotion Of The Irzek Website

At the same time, the site may be accelerated without altering the source codes, operating or external type of site.

What is Google Pagespeed?

Google PageSpeed is a special module for automatic acceleration of downloading of web pages on different devices, both computer and mobile phones, tablets, etc. Its work is based on web page cashing, which significantly reduces the time of data transmission.

It's no secret that search engines prefer fast sites slowly. For example, Google offers a free tool PageSpeed Insights to analyse your resource for possible errors. It makes it easy for him to find out what components upload the host and how to fix it.

Google PageSpeed is also one of the best ways to optimize the site. It improves the productivity of the website and has a positive impact on behaviour: web users like searchers will love fast sites.

Of course you don't have to get into the technical details. Just use our new tariffs with the technology of PageSpeed and welcome your audience with a qualitative and speedy resource!

The benefits of our host from Google PageSpeed Module

  • Savings of traffic;
  • Increase in site speed to 25-55%;
  • Accelerate the indexation of content to 40%;
  • Dynamic optimization of images;
  • SEO-Instrumentary.
... SearchMetrics specialists conducted a GTO30 Google analysis of 10000 Google search requests. The results of the study showed what attention should be paid to when taking into account websites in 2014. The main factors of Google ranking include:

1. Content

Unique and quality content is ranked better. The writing style, the large number of signs, the logical distribution of key and related terms are important. Media Content is welcome. If you'd like to get visitors to the website with a coherent content, you'll be advised to use the services of our co-pierar.

2. Behaviour

The results of the study confirmed that the CTR, the failure rate and the total time that the user had spent on the website influenced the web site.

3. Technology

Websites with a convenient structure, meta-tags and, in general, well-designed pages can benefit.

4. Social signals

In 2014, correlation factors for the social segment fell slightly. There were only slight rises in the average values of social signals in the TOP. In principle, it makes sense. The higher the site ' s position, the more it is referred to from social media. Here you can read about advertising in social media.

5. Reverse references

Reverse references remain a major ranking factor. Professionals therefore recommend that their quality and quantity be worked out.

Of course, the results of this study are not precise instructions to action. However, they should be brought to the attention without forgetting other secrets of progress. Our experts will be able to help you put your site on top of your leadership. Here, you can order a search move and find out the benefits of working with us. ♪ ♪

On 5 September, the Yandex seminar was held in Izevska. Our agency's specialists took an active part in it. The seminar addressed issues such as the " Optimization of the advertising campaign " , " Retargating " , " The Medicines of the Yandex " , " The Strategy " and other important topics.

The seminar was held at the Park Inn Hotel Cozy Room. He was accompanied by interesting reports, untouched atmosphere and appetite coffee logs. Participation in such seminars is always beneficial: it enables research on the development of Internet workshops, the timely use of new knowledge in the work and the creation of successful campaigns for you, our dear clients!

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