
Seo Promotion Of The Internet Store

Развитие интернет-магазина с помощью технологии поисковой оптимизации Expertum, ежегодный сезонный рост. В ноябре 2014 года сайт перенёс редизайн, который привёл к акселерации сезонного ростаSearch optimization of Internet stores (SEO) in the regions and at the federal level

Progress is being made on the technology for the advancement of EXPERTUM.

We are focused on long-term cooperation, most beneficial to customers -- investments made in each month are not going anywhere, their effect is increasing from one month to one month. It's just-- the more months the site moves, the higher his visit from the search. We offer three types of subscription packages for which a minimum number of hours and a minimum hour cost are determined. The more hours you pay monthly, the lower the cost of 1 hour.

For those who are not ready to invest on a monthly basis, we also offer a one-time optimization service.

Our technologies for gradual and sustained qualitative improvements and increased sales work even in a crisis, moreover, it is the crisis that works best. As well as when most agencies are unsuccessful and have not adapted to recent sanctions search systems, which is why now is a great chance to evade competitors.


We have successful experiences and deep knowledge of SEO moves without reference to:

  • Construction and separation materials
  • Sale of furniture
  • Construction
  • Domestic services
  • Legal and accounting services
  • Training, language centres
  • Bases
  • Tourism
  • Souvenir products
  • Sale of food
  • Sale of wine and alcohol
  • Contact lenses
  • Medical services, medical clinic

and others.

The Expertum technology, based on clear algorithms of work, allows for the rapid development of new topics, but there is no need for time to develop the above and some other topics.

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