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Proceeding The Site Properly

белое продвижение сайтаThe right searching of sites (without references) by white methods is quite simple. Demand must be identified, key words. And write articles on the subject of the site, write (what I see, I sing). The more unique articles, the more chances of being in the beach at the Yandex and Google beans. Google loves the new texts at all, different to those already published earlier (see copyscape.com copy).

We're building an article to move the site's position! Being the first source of the publication means being, in some ways, the right holder of the text in search systems. Saiths are optimised by white methods, rarely caught in search filters. The index, of course, can afford to filter white sites, because of the long indexation of new publications. We're making the pages of photos (preferably only for our own), writing the texts counterfeit and shorter.

More useful text for readers. Robots need information, too, but mostly we work as a user as a potential client. When finding information on certain phrases, the reader accepts or does not accept the value of the material. There are often commercial downloads of black sites in top 10, which do not contain information, but spams and posters. These sites are being filtered sooner or later. The optimization of these methods is the hands of newcomers, the search system just gives time for reflection and truth.

The optimization of content is such a principle: " Less than, yes, better " . Web articles should be clear and not huge. 500 words. Of course, much more depends on the move and the template. The web page can be free (Wordpress is an excellent option) and the template needs to be optimized. He may look like anything outside, but the right (white) promotion of the violin site is virtually impossible. The web site may be different in structure, but the essence is one. It should be right and valid in terms of search systems. The headings, subheadings and the bulk of the content should be at the top of the table. We don't hide texts behind the background, and in other ways, without spam, we don't match the lines of headline h1 to h6 with a simple text. It's been a long time since the search. White site advancement You must be free from the touch. Optimization on statistical sites can be thin, runs complex algorithms, content has constant value and density.

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