
How The Context Advertising Works

Let's say you're selling plastic windows. Explain this example the context advertising mechanism. Please note that the listed work is carried out by an Internet agency specialist, that you only require timely payment of the users who have moved to the website.

1. We're picking up key words.

In our case, it is reasonable to use the following set of key words: plastic windows, PVC windows, staclopaquets, etc. Depending on the number of other advertisers who purchased the proposed keywords (i.e. competition), the value of each keyword would differ.

2. We're choosing a strategy.

Depending on the advertising budgets, goals and challenges facing your business, we agree with you on a strategy of conduct in auction with other advertisers.
On the basis of this decision, Internet agency specialists are developing a media plan that will identify the projected number of target visitors that we can provide and the cost of their conversion to your site.

3. Untargeted audience.

If your activities fall within the scope of your activities Only The sale of plastic windows, not repairs, not editing, but exclusively selling, it is not appropriate to spend money on such non-earmarked transfers at least.
The construction of an inert-agents campaign would avoid the reliance on your website of such " inappropriate " users, thereby avoiding undue advertising expenditure. Thus, we can select the users who are as ready to make the order on your website.

4. Making announcements.

Each specific keyword chosen is an announcement drawing attention to a target audience interested in plastic windows.

5. Pay for accommodation.

After the series of events mentioned above, the online advertising campaign is starting!
You have access to detailed statistics where, in real time, you will be able to track the flow of funds, the number of your announcements, the transitions (statistics provided for each specific request) and other useful information on the progress of the advertising campaign.

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