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Reference Ranking

Reference ranking disconnected for a number of topics in the Moscow region in 2014 is again included. The industry had been aware of this for a long time, but yesterday it was officially confirmed by the representative of Yandex. Ekateria Sweet In her statement at the School of Webmasters.

Catherine reported that by deleting reference ranking for commercial requests in a number of topics for the Moscow region, Yandex had hoped to form webmasters and seo specialists to stop them from buying links in aggregates and reference exchanges. However, no conclusions had been drawn, so the pessimizing algorithms of Minusinsk and the new AGS had been replaced by promising methods. There is no need for a partial disconnection to a number of topics, so reference ranking on commercial requests in Moscow and the region is also working as before 2014.

Remember, Alexander Sadowski Personally, the inclusion of references in the ranking of commercial requests in the Moscow region for a number of topics in March 2014. At that time, many optimists were confident that the elimination of reference ranking was bluff, since commercial requests in Moscow had sufficient documents marked " References to the page " . Sergei Ludkewich Theory that the reference is not subject-matter, but on specific requests, and provided a well-functioning method for verifying the deactivation of the reference on request.

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